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[–] 1 pt 2y

And old enough to go to war.. and old enough to fucking vote.. makes sense...

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

I don’t want my gun rights in jeopardy over any snot nosed, pimple faced 18 yr old. Let them (or make them) join the armed forces first if these kids want guns.

[–] 1 pt 2y

My seven year old does pretty well with hers.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Yeah, I was taught how to use firearms around that age too, and it removed all curiosity around them, I had no desire to touch or play with them. Teach kids to respect guns.

[–] 1 pt 2y

If only - logic doesn't work on liberal NPCs. Look at their current stance: gender is made up, but is equal, as well as race, which is also made up but is equal. But we should celebrate the diversity in gender and race, which don't exist, except for when you're politically conservative leaning, then it is white supremacy.

These people shooting up the place are a product of having to conform to a reality that is not real and has to be fought against at the mind level - what you see versus what you are told to see. For most, the cog-dis is too much and they snap.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Single mothers disagree. And if you find one that agrees, she disagrees. No husband in sight, she just disagrees. Dig deep, she actually has no opinion and defaults to disagree. She has no idea why, she just knows she doesn’t need no strong man. Not even for a simple consultation.