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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

We the who?

This sounds like Disinformation

---Nina Jankowicz

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

I visited DC once, it was full of black people, think about that…if you’re black, it is not a pleasant thought. You’re all idiots. I went to the Jefferson memorial. He was a genius. Blacks don’t care. I’ve met some very intelligent darkies, but they are very rare. Violent, angry thieves every where. I never turned my back on a jiggaboo. They will attack you without provocation. The Asians suffer the most. I never stop turning my head and look those niggers in the eye, shuts down the attack. Asian culture is theire worst problem. They are to polite, they look away and get the nigger sucker punch.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

My wife is Asian, and is so curtious and polite. I glare at the nigger, they leave her alone. She continues to be polite and doesn’t realize how much I do to protect her. Look the darkie right in the eye, it’s an Africa thing, if they don’t look away, they are high on drugs, they won’t do anything because they are high on drugs. Black people are terrified of whites.The Jews did this to them. They always look away, hilarious.

[–] 0 pt 2y

The leftists and communists in the fake administration are shitting their pants.