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[–] 5 pts 2y (edited 2y)

The liberal left has been completely exposed for multiple levels of criminal actions.

Impeachment of the fake adminstation and a shutdown of the MSM is required until they start telling the truth without bias and absolutely must start showing journalistic integrity.

[–] 7 pts 2y

and a shutdown of the MSM is required until they start telling the truth without bias

out of all solutions, this is the biggest one.

media ownership is basically a weapon of mass destruction. the legalization of propaganda against american citizens wasn't a policy decision. It was a war crime.

[–] 5 pts 2y

It's a carryover of what the Jews were doing for almost a century -- buying up and controlling mass media. When the Internet came into being, other players appeared, such as China and fanatical rich white liberals, but they used the same basic tactics. Keep buying media, never sell except to other Jews (other liberals), and control the information that reaches the American public at large.

[–] 4 pts 2y

The election of 2020 was stolen by fraud. Never let the left trick you into thinking it was done by the manipulation of social media or the censorship of opinions. It was out-and-out fraud, both electronic and paper. They took votes away from Trump, and the gave votes to Biden.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y (edited 2y)

Well I believe that to be true, and I believe we’ve proven that thousands, maybe millions of votes were “counted” illegally, I’ve seen absolutely no proof whatsoever that any votes were switched from Biden to Trump, or from Trump to Biden.

I mean, common sense tells me they went from Trump to Biden, I don’t think blue haired faggots are going to be stuffing ballot boxes to benefit Trump.

But we need to prove it.

I mean I might be out of the loop on this, but all of these “studies “and “investigations” keep showing thousands upon thousands of ballots that never should’ve been counted… But not who they were cast for. This is the part that drives me nuts, every time I ask someone to show me the exact numbers of votes that were switched from Trump to Biden they tell me about the number of fraudulent ballots. OK… So how many of them, specifically, went from Trump to Biden? They come back with the same number. OK, I ask, prove it. Prove they weren’t all switched from Biden to Trump, for example. They can’t. They can’t prove it.

This is why bullshit like that gay symposium continue to fail.

Not because they are wrong, but because they’ve done a terrible job of laying out their case and used the word “proof” inappropriately so many times that now people will be tone deaf to actual, literal proof when it comes out.

It’s like Qtards crying wolf about arrests and Justice and secret messages and dates. No one believes them anymore, most of them don’t even believe it anymore.

We have video of people stuffing ballot boxes illegally. OK… How many of them were for Biden, how many of them were for Trump? I mean look at the people stuffing the boxes, we know those were people stuffing it for Biden. But we need to be able to prove it.

And every single time we come across compelling evidence and immediately slap the word “proof“ on it, we make ourselves look even worse and even more retarded. If we had waited, continue to compile evidence, and then PROVED it before using the word proof, we’d have a lot more credibility. But we used the word “proof“ over and over and over and over again in cases where it didn’t apply in a literal way and botched the entire thing and now no one’s paying attention anymore.

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[–] 3 pts 2y


He's still a kike lover

[–] 2 pts 2y

This is going to be fun. Still not going back to Twatter though.

[–] 1 pt 2y

This is what they are afraid of.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Why anyone still thinks they’re afraid of anything is beyond me. Two more weeks! Trust the plan! Patriots are in control! All they’ve done is stomp their enemies flat with no repercussions whatsoever, gotten away with open criminality, caught red-handed and walked away, over and over and over again.

I’m sure they’re shaking in their boots for the big truth bomb boom boom boom that’s coming out in two more weeks!

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

I love how conservatives make fun of liberals for giving a shit about what celebrities think until a conservative celebrity starts talking.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Literal treason, all twitter employees and their contacts should be given firing squad