Suck my feminine penis you lesbian bigot
This is really a huge fucking problem. If the right could find common ground with TERFs (aka 'sane women')... Ah fuck it. There is no point in attempting anything political anymore. How are everyone's tomato seedlings doing??
aka 'sane women'
They're still feminists.
I loved Gender Critical on reddit.
If you're not more or less like their fearful idea of men you are a faggot. They are correct and it's good.
Trannies ARE waking up the LGB and feminist crowds. LGB drop the T was getting big on reddit before it got banned. There is a branch of feminism called "gender critical" where they reject tranny nonsense, porn, and advocate self-defense. Gen Crits and Trad Wives could find common ground if the MO of the century wasnt to fracture every group into a million subsets, ruining any hope of organization.
If the state targets identity to split you, unite on causes instead.
If the state targets ideas, unite on the how instead of the why.
if the state targets the goal or the why, unite on ideas.
The goal is to unite, while the state attempts to make it about everything besides uniting, because the states goal is to divide.
Thanks for the reminder, I need to start for the season.
Lol thanks fren.
I love clown world now.
(post is archived)