The number of homosexual deviant screen names is impressive just from that screen shot.
The "I tried several times" posts prove AOU keeps the riff-raff pedohomos out.
I've seen a couple of them come over here and try to start posting. One I see over there posting some good, thoughtful, detailed material (and the random shitpost of course,) but the minute they came over here it was 24/7 retardation clown. I don't know if the guy read it, but I DM'd him and said exactly what I just wrote.
That's what I don't get. The cubies and the randos that think this is reddit is one thing, but those who know better and could easily start posting good stuff do not.
Maybe it's a internet power thing, I don't know. Certain people on voat have a level of cache and voat cred they don't have on Poal and don't want to take the effort to achieve it.
That's very possible.
I believe the guy tried several times, but each time was farther down the retard pole.