that is fightknighthero?, he dont look too bad, i despise liars tho
as i have said, my track record is impeccable for shit heads (i called him out in talks infancy... guess what happened), i see right through them.
talk is so fucked anyways,,,, its basically goatpen now (system sold out, people just just watch it for the shitshow like springer... lol so much fake news on there), its all soap people @aoularps and shitalts heads. i seriously cannot stand
that site would not not be anywhere near as it is if system didnt larp as voat.... therefore the premise of the site is a larp. The amount of lies i see on me from system, and look at the manufactured drama. p.s, DO NOT trust system
its no longer fun, no do i want any part of it.
and honesly IMO @aougetting people cross platforms is doxing, they are not public figures and you should update your TOS
@User813, you called it a long time ago when you were posting as Try. Then you gave up and left. I always enjoyed most of your posts.
and honesly IMO @aougetting people cross platforms is doxing,
The post is a link to fakevoat with an unrelated low-res chat avatar not mentioning any personal information whatsoever.
you should update your TOS
change more passwords schlomo then have your goons in chat laugh like it never happened
(post is archived)