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[–] 1 pt 24d

As we work to restore free expression, I think it will help to build trust to do this work in places where there’s less concern about the bias of our teams.

So all of a sudden this kike gets a good dose of "religion" and is going to change his evil ways? I'm not buying it - color me jaded.

[–] 0 pt 24d

There is nothing this fucking zuckerjew could do other than die that I would want to read about.

Nothing he does will be good for anyone but himself and fucking jews.

[–] 0 pt 24d

He admits that the MAGA movement is dominant and that now “we’re in a new era”

And that is the entire reason he's doing this.

It's a (((tactic))) to make FB and the other meta platforms more appealing to younger people.

nosebook is dying as its long-term user base ages. Their previous big-fucking-plan was that AI metaverse shit that cost them a fuckton of money, and failed.

Their revenue is slipping. This policy change is a ham-fisted attempt to appear more relevant, with the intent to attract more younger users, and simultaneously to reduce payroll costs.

It's just another fucking jewish gimmick, and (((mark zuckerberg))) is just another fucking jew terrorist.

Nothing will change this.