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[–] [deleted] 9 pts 4y

The extent to which the media controls the minds of the masses is fucking astonishing. Take this latest "impeachment" for example.

It means nothing. Is unconstitutional. The charges don't really make sense. The manager isn't the chief Justice, its a Chinese spy. Broughtbupon by a government that just stole the federal presidential election and untold house and senate races.

But. Use it to toss the 80 million pissed off trumpies a "win"? Distract them from the stolen election? Make them feel like nothing is hopeless? Just look at the faggots gloating and spewing "Winning" shit everywhere online. It's sad.

And the media sets the narrative the entire way. Even so many "awake" faggots on here just peddle the medias bullshit narrative, mostly without even realizing it.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Fake election, fake president and an illegitimate government. It's all bullshit. Like in the movie, the entire church needs to be burnt to the ground.

[–] 8 pts 4y

It's Boomers who watch it 24/7. Please check on your parents, folks. There is a good chance they have been watching cable news 24 hours a day for years, and especially since March. It's literally killing them from the stress of worrying about made-up things they can't control. Try to intervene if you can. It's going to be hard; TV is like a parasite that has invaded their brains. The addiction is incredibly strong now. They may even become violent and express hatred towards you if you try to take it away.

[–] 4 pts 4y

I share housing with a good friend and for the most part he hibernates in his room with the TV blaring round the clock. I swear he must sleep with it on. He comes out to eat and mope about or check his mail and that's it. Then he pesters me with his worries and sometimes spouts dumb stuff he saw on TV and asks me for an opinion.

He's always amazed when I know way more than he does and never watch TV. A week ago he begged me to come to his room to watch some bullshit news and after a bit I just stepped in and watched a bit and started laughing. Old news to people who check with alternative news but for him is was fresh and terrible. The only time you will hear a bit of truth on the news it's because they are trying to get ahead of a story you've already known about for months and then it's heavily slanted.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Truth - underrated comment.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I’ve actually tried this. It led to an argument and not speaking to them for months.

[–] 6 pts 4y

Unless this epiphany occurs before mudsharking takes place, it’s too-little-too-late.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Anyone who trusts the media to be truthful is a fool.

[–] 2 pts 4y

That moment started for me on 9-11, so no, this is no revelation to me. I watched Bush and the media con the world and at first I believed what I was being told on the news, but then a friend questioned it and asked me as a steel worker if it was possible or maybe something fishy was going on. Oh, I assured him it was as we were being told but his questions made me start to wonder.

Then I started researching the actual construction of these buildings, the events surrounding the attack and the more I searched online, the more worrisome it was. When I saw other people with the same questions get shut down and disparaged in the news I just looked harder. In the end I became annoyed with the news, suspected Bush and then finally suspected the government. It was just all way to convenient.

I started suspecting the wars we got into as a result, and bit by bit in my mind the legitimacy of anything I saw on the news became suspect.

Once you get to that point you really can't not see it. During the Obama years it became more and more obvious. Obama is a highly intelligent person but conservative friends were aghast at his executive orders and how everything he did just mirrored the Bush agenda.

I got so sick of the news I quit watching and I sure didn't want to hear anything Obama had to say. By the time Trump came along I didn't trust anyone running for President and figured I just sit this one out like I always have.

But, when Hillary paid people to attack Trump supporters in San Diego I watched what was going on a mile from where I lived and I was shocked. I figured if Hillary hated Trump that much and used those methods to prevent him from having a simple rally he must be what We The People really need and I decided right then I had to vote for this man.

I have no idea what's really going on in DC with Biden and Trump having the election stolen. Did he just fag out on us and let it happen? Seems like it. Or did he allow it to somehow bring down the deep state? I hope so. I've yet to see the fruit of that so I, like everyone else just wait and see.

As for the TV News, I can't bear to watch these liars in front of the cameras unless it's a clip on youtube where someone challenges them and they get destroyed. Now that's just good clean fun.

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[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Where I'm at politically and philosophically pretty much mirrors the place you've ended up after being red pilled through your research. Once you start actually looking at world events through a skeptical eye and questioning the why of things, everything falls into place, and you can see the whole picture, undistorted by the fake news media. Sometimes I almost envy the people who still see the world just humming along, and has an outlook that everything is fine, and the government has our best interests etc. It's a real shock when the realization hits that there is a cult, a cabal if you will, of people that are so evil, so hateful, so greedy for power and money, that they will literally destroy western civilization to obtain it. And this is one of the reasons that the world is controlled by them now, people can't wrap their heads around the fact that there is genuine evil in this world, and they want our destruction. I've learned to just focus on the fact that we are spiritual beings, and that this is only a stop on our eternal path on our way home.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Much as I'd like to take a philosophical viewpoint on us being spiritual beings I'm in the here and now where real events happen. I remember when one of those Bazooka gums cost 2 cents and a Slim Jim stick of dried meat was a dime.

As a child and teenager watching the price of basic cheap stuff get higher and higher and hearing about "inflation" the how and why of it always puzzled me. At some point things should sort of level off I figured but no, more inflation all the time and no real explanation that fit.

Around 9-11 I got a computer set up and started looking into that online so it was not much of a stretch of effort to switch that over in 2008 to look into the current housing crash and the reasons behind it.

From there I looked into the Federal Reserve Bank and how it's used to siphon off trillions of dollars every year simply by inflating the currency with Fiat Money. Just print more and you're good.

Loan it out at interest to millions of simple homeowners and they will gladly pay four times the cost of the home over their lifetime. Then when they try to sell the home you can tax them with capital gain tax as they think they've gotten rich off their home. No, while the money was being devalued the real price gained very little and was in many cases stagnant. Just keeping up with inflation as the currency was devalued. Ah, but the IRS gets a chunk of it anyway.

In a way, we're luckier than countries like Germany which saw hyperinflation as the East German government money printing system went out of control. Zimbabwe and other countries are a prime example. Our Federal Reserve Bank has been more judicial and also lucky our fiat currency is used around the world as a reserve currency.

Every country that attempted to set up a gold standard off a government run banking system has ended up in war, or it's leader assassinated.

I am quite sure based on what I do know about the topic that at some point our currency will be rejected by the world and we will go into hyperinflation. It's just a matter of when.

When that happens you can forget about being a spiritual being as your body will be screaming for food and shelter.

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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

"Much as I'd like to take a philosophical viewpoint on us being spiritual beings I'm in the here and now where real events happen."

The here and now is also where your soul resides. Trying to center yourself and 'be' in the moment is actually the first necessary step in a successful meditation. The journey you took to get red pilled is pretty much the journey I took. But I try to remember that this world, this one plane of frequency (one of an infinite number of frequency planes) is only our temporary home. Good thing to remember when the Black Pilled blues hit :)

[–] 1 pt 4y

The rules are simple. They lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying anyway, and we keep pretending to believe them.

[–] 1 pt 4y

He's about 30 years too late. Once everyone had cable around 92-93, TV was done as a medium and completely compromised. Nirvana was the test psyop to see what reach they had. Turns out, overwhelming.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The news will always be propaganda. You just have to ask yourself in what direction is the propaganda going towards.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

i seldom watch the news propaganda anymore . have better things to do with my time than watch wknpr . wknpr = world kike news and propaganda report

[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

They're all over this site and were on voat too. They flock to sites where people talk about them to try to sway the conversation.

"Hey guys how bout dem niggers and chinese?"

[–] 1 pt 4y

I slowly started whittling away which main stream media sources I was willing to watch. Now I have pretty much dropped ALL main stream media sources.

Finding a new source of news can be difficult if you over think it. So don't over think it. Just pick two new sources of news. Pay attention to which or if you find one lying or deceiving you. Drop that one & find a new one to replace it.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The only news anchor worth watching was Charlie Farquharson on wkorn news of kornfield county!

The most trusted name in news! Lol!

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