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Open Borders. Affirmitive Action. Multiculturism. Diversity. Rainbow children. Those policies are anti-American, anti-White and anti-me. Those policies make me hate the evil jews that promote them.
If that offends a jew, a spic, a nigger or a queer, ...good! KYS, scumbag. There are only ~20 million jews worldwide; 0.01% of the world's population. Who gives a fuck what they think? Do you think the richest 14 million jews wouldn't provoke the slaughter of the bottom 6 million jews just so they can claim victimhood for the next 100 years? Why do you think they're allowing "anti-semitism" to florish on their mainstream media these days? What better face for "anti-semitism" than a nigger named West? ...this has all been planned for a long time.

Open Borders. Affirmitive Action. Multiculturism. Diversity. Rainbow children. Those policies are anti-American, anti-White and anti-me. Those policies make me hate the evil jews that promote them. If that offends a jew, a spic, a nigger or a queer, ...good! KYS, scumbag. There are only ~20 million jews worldwide; 0.01% of the world's population. Who gives a fuck what they think? Do you think the richest 14 million jews wouldn't provoke the slaughter of the bottom 6 million jews just so they can claim victimhood for the next 100 years? Why do you think they're allowing "anti-semitism" to florish on their mainstream media these days? What better face for "anti-semitism" than a nigger named West? ...this has all been planned for a long time.

(post is archived)