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[–] [Sticky] 5 pts (edited )

This comment is NSFW (click to view its content)
[–] 1 pt

Thank you.

[–] 2 pts

You're welcome.

(I now see that there is a -NSFW- tag that can be enabled on individual comments instead of needing to plaster notes and warnings within the comment. I had not noticed that button in the comment options bar before and only knew it was available for posts. I will be sure to use that in the future for comments when needed.)

[–] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts (edited )

Unfortunately, I do not see any information at this link that you provided that proves this as being a lie.

Many claims are made in this opinion piece and most are not sourced; they are just stated in a 'Trust me, this is how it's done' manner.

Citations they include at the bottom to support their opinion are also primarily kikes:

R and I Hutter (((Epstein))) - (((Washington Post))) "Circumcision Choice consulted an experienced (((mohel))) on this story - He called it "a blood libel"." Anne Marie (((Helmenstein))) (((Vice))) A Seattle (faggotland) newspaper

The opinion piece was written by "Guest contributor Melanie Schaab" and it includes no information on who this person is or why their opinion on this topic should have any meaning.


However, looking up the username leads to an "arts & crafts", pro-genital mutilation blogger who claims to work in the medical field with a specialization in "maternity and newborns": https://schaabling.wordpress.com/blog/ | https://archive.ph/LXbkJ

Several of Melanie Schaab's posts include anti-White statements and usages of being "racist and anti-semitic" and also pushes pro-nigger kike propaganda: "African Americans have long been economically disadvantaged and oppressed." "...many white children have deplorable morals compared to African American children." "...many European cities have higher illegitimate birth rates than do African Americans..."

Several of their blog posts I've read through are also very pro-kike and pro-kike interests, and several involve Christianity and judaism.

Still going through a lot of their postings, but my opinion now is that this Schaab author is a kike pushing pro-circumcision views.

[–] 26 pts

Who woulda thought extreme physical trauma at the beginning of life would affect later development?

[–] 8 pts

Didn't see that coming...

...says a blind man.

[–] 9 pts

nah, blind people can see how stupid this shit is

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

"I'd like to hear more!" Said the deaf man.

[–] 0 pt

"Lets first analyze the matter at hand."

-Said the amputee.

[–] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts

Your article reeks of rabbi

[–] 3 pts


Gene's get turned off or on depending upon environmental conditions.

Abuse a child. Produce a gay or sociopath adult

[–] 1 pt
[–] 15 pts

I was cut about 4 days after I was born, I don't remember it.

When my son was born, and they asked me if we were going to circumcise my son, I felt a feeling of dread, I started to sweat, I got a bit dizzy and felt like I wanted to puke. I refused. They told me that doing it now will avoid infections later, and cutting it off will avoid him the embarrassment of having a "weird" looking penis.

I said "NO" and then shut up and stared at them. They said nothing for a few seconds, then shook their head and turned away like I was making a stupid decision.

Fuck them.

[–] 14 pts

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” — C. S. Lewis

[–] 9 pts

You protected your son and the jews have no concept of that action.

[–] 3 pts

You can't let your son out of your sight at all if you make the mistake of having him in a hospital when born or young. One of them will slip him away to do this and brush it off later, and you'll have no legal recourse.

[–] 2 pts

You did the right thing. I'm glad my parents didn't fall for these foreskin thieves.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I'm not sure when this happened to you but it may please you that I had the opposite experience. The doctor and nurses seemed to push more towards not getting your kid circumcised, though they didn't speak out about either.

I guess we still have a long way to go since they still aren't allowed to speak out about it but at least they aren't pushing for it.

Edit: To give a time frame, my wife gave birth to our first about 6 years ago.

[–] 3 pts

Almost 16 years for my son, over 40 for me.

[–] 14 pts

The tribe has greater than average occurrence of mental illness as it is. Now put permanent trauma caused by dick-mutilating perverts into the mix.

[–] 12 pts

And lifelong rabbi given herpes, if it doesn't kill the babies.

[–] 5 pts

Trauma makes for nice submissive cattle

[–] 4 pts

Also can create an angry murderous mind.

[–] 10 pts

My mother told the doctors she would remove their heads if they circumcised my brother and I. Viking bloodline. I'm guessing.

[–] 9 pts

That and your dick head hurts for the first 12 or so years of life and probably after. Rubbing raw the nerve endings on the end reducing sexual pleasure over time. I NEED A DAMNED HOOD.

[–] 2 pts

The skin of the head is not meant to be exposed. It's like an eye without an eyelid. It becomes keratinized and dried.

[–] 2 pts

even more problems if they cut it too short

[–] 8 pts

I’m gonna need reparations for this goddammit!

[–] 1 pt


[–] 3 pts

A helluva lot more dicks have been cut than niggers have been enslaved. Afterwards, reparations for all the blood and treasure lost as a result to the bringing over niggers on their slave ships. Last but not least, reparations for the two world wars and the precious blood and treasure lost there over nothing but lies.

Two can play this reparations game. Time to send these kikes to debtors prison to bust rocks for all of time.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The 1st slaves bought to America, the Irish were never given any repayrayshuns!

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Back in the day as recently as the 1980's they performed certain surgeries on neonates without anesthesia because they claimed the neonate's nervous system was not fully developed. This includes cardiac and gastrointestinal surgeries, much less circumcision.


[–] 7 pts

The idea to stick red-pilling facts, stories or hiatorical matters to the very top of the frontpage is great. Like that the mental impact for normies won't be too harsh when they understand they live in and supported the current clown world.

[–] 5 pts

Holy crap!! I looked up the doctor. He was forcibly circumcised at 8 years old in a church run school. In the process of holding him down they also broke his nose and arm. His penis was also infected for months.


[–] 3 pts

One thing I still don't understand - what's the reason for them doing this?

[–] 7 pts

Biblically, it was a mark for two purposes: First to show separation and distinction from those not following God - because in those days, nobody would think to cut the foreskin from the penis of an heir - these were supposed to be “slaves” of God. Second, it was intended to decrease sexual sensitivity among the followers of God, reminding them that their purpose was not the body, but the Spirit, and that their ultimate means of reproducing was not copulation, but to bear witness to the One True God as the light of Heaven among those who walked away.

The result, however, was that the children of God became children of Satan, and supplemented their reduced sensitivity with greater perversion, and today push male circumcision as a method of increasing perversion among the goyim.

[–] 6 pts (edited )

$$$$ they don't throw that rich flesh flush with stem cells away. Used in face cream for one. Jews are evil.

[–] 6 pts

And suck out the adrenochrome enriched blood with their mouths, don’t forget that.

[–] 2 pts

I know that, but why did they start doing it in the first place?

[–] 6 pts

Humiliation ritual and also to better blend in in White nations. If all the goyim were circumcised it's harder to purge all the jews later on (that said we now have DNA and finely honed jewdars, making this moot).

If you meant why do kikes do it, no idea.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Sadism? Bloodlust? Perhaps it's purpose was to bind you to the group. Some people would rather believe the group, than to accept their dick was mutilated for nothing.

I guess for similar reasons that the Aztecs tortured and sacrificed children.

I once was told it was for hygiene, because they lived in the desert and had no running water. But if you can clean your ass after taking a shit, you can you also figure out how to clean your dick. "Truly fucked in the head" is more likely than hygiene.

[–] -1 pt

Same reason they do it today...To keep men from masturbating all day long

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 3 pts

Because we live in a Zionist slave world and no one knows how it got like this but torture and religion is how they keep the MK Ultra rolling.

[–] 2 pts

Genesis 17:9-17:14 / Leviticus 12:1-12:3. But I don't know why they do it before the eighth day now.

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