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[–] 3 pts 1y

The government of Israel is paying?!??

I beg to differ.

[–] 2 pts 1y

Strange since they already own all those governments

[–] 2 pts 1y

They are trying to boost public sentiment, that they are buying ads says they either lack the man power their jidf had until recently or they think the jidf program ineffective or ineffective on its own.

[–] 3 pts 1y

It seems that they are finally starting to realize that people put up with the propaganda and lies for decades but never really bought in and that the majority of the existing world population actually do hate them and just tolerate them so long as they are not causing direct harm to them specifically.

[–] 2 pts 1y

They're losing and they know it. Their propaganda isn't effective anymore so they had to find other ways to get to people. The left feels bad for Palestine and the right just wants us to quit wasting money on the middle east. Nobody except kikes and zionist Christians care about Isntreal.

[–] 1 pt 1y

jews have never really needed public sentiment before, have they?

[–] 3 pts 1y

Public sentiment has been vital to them, the Iraq war would not have happened without it, a major selling point of the war was regional stability primarily for the sake of israel, though I think their calculous is off, jews situate themselves at the center of all things so they believe when good fortune comes after pursuing public sentiment that the public loves them, to most people they are of minor consideration unlikely to tip most scales, they don't realize they have placed a dagger over the heads of all and those with any brains know it is there and resent it and that is the threat of being called an antisemite for mild disagreement, it is the resentment of a bad feudal lord or a petulant royal, the servants at court would all feel warmth in their hearts at the word of their misfortune or death, they have earned possibly the deepest resentment a people can earn, it's the same resentment that follows them throughout time. The worst thing they could have done was create a situation in which those who loathe them learn all at once they are solidly in the majority, this is why every jew is paralyzed by fear right now, even israel has been afraid to move their troops in as they swore they would,

God's favor would be a vital boon to any people but these fools have made a curse of many blessings by the weight of all their sins, you do not see the armenians or cypriots despised thusly because they hold no cultural and religious superiority complex which, and because they understand authority and responsibility are two sides of one coin as almost all intelligent races, save the jews, understand, when simpletons on the left understand the divorce of responsibility and authority in our cultures and societies is primarily the cause of jewish influence every single bolshevik faggot will be in a moment prepared to purge them.

Other example of advantage granted by public sentiment are the long standing tolerance of israel's treatment of palestine, zionist judaisers penetrating the church and corrupting morals and priorities to weaken the goyim, when Chirsitans were suspicious of jews not a single judaiser could influence the church but after "judeo-christian values" and mass media shilling for zion over 40 years they finally found purchase in the earthly church and over another 40 brought us this low, actual and perceived public sentiment by foreign nations has influenced international politics gravely, expect things to change now the emperor has no clothes, israel was a special case but in china and perhaps russia's eyes they are now just any other proxy war, and that distinction will make jews act out against the chinese in ways which china will undoubtedly retaliate for.

Most of the benefits they receive from the public perception perceived and real is enough to tip many hands in their favor. a great example is juden peterstein, he bought what they were selling, the whole hog, and he has the ears of many young men, whom in seeing a man who has helped them and whom they respect they will reject questions they need to be asking, the public perception of popular support is w so many often support a thing or tolerate it, lift that veil and the power of influence and tolerance wanes.

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[–] 1 pt 1y

This guy's from Gateway Pundit. I've been more impressed with them lately as they seem to be the only outlet capable of exercising any kind of discernment.

[–] 1 pt 1y

i just can't come up with any reason, but it's definitely NOT to get goyim to die in their fight that should have nothing to do with the US or Western Nations

[–] 0 pt 1y

Bernaysian Battle Tactics, Bubabla.