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[–] [Sticky] 3 pts 1y (edited 1y)

A "Final Solution" was a statement uttered by jews about their intentions to genocide Aryans. The genocide of all Aryans was/is their final solution to their problem; i.e. the only race that stands in their way from total domination and bringing their master's hell to Earth.

Committing genocide is historically what kikes do.

One such instance of the jews' final solution being their intent to genocide Aryans:

Theodore N. Kaufman - Germany Must Perish (1941)

" A final solution: Let Germany be policed forever by an international armed force?

Even if such a huge undertaking were feasible life itself would not have it so. As war begets war, suppression begets rebellion. Undreamed horrors would unfold.

Thus we find that there is no middle course; no act of mediation, no compromise to be compounded, no political or economic sharing to be considered. There is, in fine, no other solution except one: That Germany must perish forever from this earth!

And, fortunately, as we shall now come to see, that is no longer impossible of accomplishment. "

English Full Color Scan https://archive.org/details/GermanyMustPerish1941_201905 English https://archive.org/details/1941KaufmanTheodoreGermanyMustPerish English https://libgen.gs/edition.php?id=137115794(blue link choices at bottom, then GET)

___ German https://archive.org/details/wolfgangdiewergedaskriegszielderweltplutokratiegermanymustperishdeutschlandmusssterben194131s.text German https://libgen.gs/edition.php?id=138265870(blue link choices at bottom, then GET)

(see linked poal post for info on this quoted text - https://poal.co/s/books/318366)

" In Germany, the Jews did not insist on their original plan, set forth in Theodore Kaufman’s Germany Must Perish!, (Newark, New Jersey, 1941) that after their Huns had overwhelmed Germany, the surviving Germans would all be surgically sterilized to ensure the prompt extermination of a nation that had offended the Sons of the Covenant. That Final Solution might have seemed objectionable to "an-tie-see-mites." So the good work was entrusted, in Germany as in other Aryan nations, to the demoralizing and disintegrating effects of what Yockey calls "culture-distortion": "democracy" (i.e., government by organized crime), "education" (i.e., sabotage of children’s minds), usury, financial piracy, drug-addiction, promiscuity, miscegenation, mongrelization, promotion of superstition and irrationality, and the other blessings Americans now enjoy. That is working very well in Germany. A statistician has calculated that if all things continue as they now are, in ninety years the only living Germans will be senescent and past the age of reproduction.

Kaufman’s book is an excellent and most instructive specimen of Jewish thinking. He wrote before his tribe had invented the Holohoax, and so he can only scream that the Germans are militaristic and have produced such awfully wicked philosophers as Nietzsche; that makes them "an execrable people" and they must be exterminated, one and all. He prides himself on his tender heart, which makes him recommend that instead of having all the Germans massacred at once, the survivors, men, women, and children, should be herded together and sexually mutilated by surgeons (he even computes how many will be needed for the godly work) so that they cannot reproduce their damned species.

In Schuld und Schicksal (Munich, 1962), J.G. Burg, a Jew who was born in Germany and lived throughout the war in Germany or adjacent territories, believes that Kaufman’s book was part of a concerted effort by the Jews’ master minds to exasperate the Germans and thus incite pogroms to help create "world opinion" for a war against Germany and for dispossession of the inhabitants of Palestine in favor of the Jews, and Burg supports his conclusion with photographic reproductions of documents in German and Yiddish. He quotes (p. 72) Chaim Weizmann as having said in 1934, "I would much rather see the annihilation of the Jews in Germany than failure to make Israel a land for the Jews." Weizmann (who became the first president of "Israel"when it was finally established in 1948) in October 1934 mobilized Jewish pressure on the British government to make Britain frustrate Hitler’s proposal that Jews who wished to leave Germany should be permitted to go to Palestine or whithersoever they wished, taking with them one thousand pounds sterling and goods to the value of 20,000 marks, the remainder of their holdings (if any) to be paid for in regular installments over a period of years. Several subsequent efforts by Hitler to help the Zionists attain their professed goal were frustrated by Britain and her allies, obviously in obedience to Jewish commands. It was the failure so to exasperate the Germans that they would resort to pogroms that made it necessary to invent the "Holocaust" hoax. It is noteworthy that, with the exception of Burg and a very few others, the Jews do not seem to regard as immoral the efforts of Weizmann and other Elders of Jewry to procure the "annihilation of the Jews in Germany," who numbered about 500,000; presumably the sacrifice of those Jews would have been "good for the Jewish people," and that is all that matters.) "

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[–] 5 pts 1y

They always loved final solutions. The world Jewish congress invented the term, no?

[–] 4 pts 1y

The Germans gave them years to leave. Those that didn't leave were forced into ghettos. The Germans paid for passage out of the country.

Isn't it strange we're collectively never told the whole truth? Yet according to Jewish logic, every single last Jew should have been shot.

How many lack introspection? How many know the lies? How many truly support Jewish supremacy and view the Adamites as mere cattle to be crushed, genocided, and enslaved?

[–] 3 pts 1y

…if only white people were allowed to have these reactions back when the muzzies attacked OUR music festival in 2015.

Weird, huh?

[–] 3 pts 1y

I think I once heard a word for what they are advocating for... Holosomething...

[–] 3 pts 1y

It's time to carpet bomb israel. Kill them all.

Go ahead - call me a warmonger and racist. ...

(The Bryan E. Leib quote. There, I fixed it.)

[–] 3 pts 1y

Them getting flustered as they get challenged on their bullshit propaganda is a glorious sight. They know they are losing, so they result to yelling over the challenger in an attempt to shut them up.

The best is when the ADL faggot went on MSNBC and was yelling at them. He was publicly complaining about Palestinian supporters parading around his building...and got very little applause to go with his outrage.

I only wish I had a country I could flee too because people of my tribe screwed up this one. Maybe he'll eat it tomorrow?

[–] 1 pt 1y

Those are far from the worst of it.