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https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1711808966357815561.html Sounds mighty familiar.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y

And, a concerted effort. Across all msm.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 1y (edited 1y)

I had no idea the same techniques were used against the Irish. How far have we fallen, that we demand to see the bodies of dead children before we believe it?

Editing top comment cause this asshole blocked me: I loathe all religions, You need to loosen up man, agonizing over every detail of how people type shit on the internet? Who has time for that except some shill. Piss off asshole, you are soo far off base its hilarious.

[–] 2 pts 1y (edited 1y)

You're seeming more kike-like to me every day.

Blind belief without proof is how the kikes' holohoax lie became accepted to the point where it is now illegal to demand it be proven, that "accepted facts" cannot be questioned.

Your claim that we have fallen so far due to demanding proof before accepting a claim is jewish. It isn't "falling" to think critically and demand proof of a claim, it is weak and a failing to not demand proof before accepting a claim.

EDIT: To clarify, no, I did not call you a kike. If that was how it was taken, that is not how I meant it. I cannot prove that you are or are not one or a puppet of one, just as any of us cannot prove that anyone else is or is not one or a puppet of one. I merely meant that some parts of some of your comments I've read have what I consider to be a tinge of kike subversion in them, despite many of your comments also saying things that I like and agree with and are completely lacking any of those tinges of subversion. That is a common tactic of some kikes where they hide a subversive statement within a bunch of text that most would agree with, so I try to keep a watch for it.

Just noting that I have noticed the presence of these bits enough to now take notice of them and to get me questioning intent. Perhaps it is not intentional and you are still cleansing your mind of jew poison and bits are still trickling into your comments.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 1y

Jesus Christ dude just cause I think society is fallen you call me kike like. Go fuck yourself retard. Ill D’m you picture of my uncircumcised cock as proof. You really wanna see pictures of dead kids? I’ve seen enough already, let these animals eat each other.

[–] 2 pts 1y (edited 1y)
  • I pointed out how your speech is kike-like to me as you made a clearly jewish statement.
  • I also noted that it may not be intentional on your part and may merely be a remnant of jew influence on your thinking.

We know that jews are incapable of self-reflection - to them, they can do no wrong. If you were White, you would look at what you've said and think, "Hmm, let me take that criticism and look at why something I said comes across as kike-like so that I can see if there is more jew brainwashing I need to purge from my mind so I can better myself."

No, you went straight with immediately downvoting my criticism as you didn't like it, which is against site rules, and you then denied that your jewish statement was jewish and doubled down on saying we've fallen far as a society, not due to all of the jewish influence, but by demanding proof of outrageous jewish claims.

It would seem my suspicions are now shown to have been correct. Good enough proof for me in this case.

(EDIT: Also blasphemed, which kikes tend to do as they loathe Jesus Christ.)