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(post is archived)

[–] 26 pts

Israel is an illegal country.

[–] 12 pts

Yeah, they literally gave that land to themselves (Balfour Declaration).

[–] 17 pts (edited )

Keep an eye on Ukraine. I believe they're related.

There are no coincidences. 10 years ago Kissinger said Israel will disappear. (youtube.com). Looks like they're packing up and moving to Ukraine. They're moving all the Ukrainians to Poland to make room for themselves.

[–] 10 pts

Yeah, it's part of their "Great jewkraine" plan.

[–] 7 pts

>Keep an eye on Ukraine. I believe they're related.

Ukraine Offered To Conduct Strikes On Syria & Iran To Halt Drone Production | "The Guardian publishes contents of secret document: "The above may be carried out by the Ukrainian defense forces if partners provide the necessary means of destruction."..." https://archive.is/xQD3Z (zerohedge.com)

[–] 3 pts


Qatar Adds U.S. Lobbying Muscle After Saudi Rift, Trump Snub


Biden Officials Talking to Qatar About Supplying Gas to Europe


That $6 Billion was part of a deal to pump liquefied natural has into Europe via natural gas pipelines that the Bidens already get a piece of.