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[–] 1 pt 3y

Is this when he made the Madagascar deal?

[–] 3 pts 3y

Mufti fell for the idea that Hitler actually hated the Jews, instead of understanding that Hitler was a Zionist asset.

Mufti tried very hard to convince Hitler to exterminate the Jews and was confused when he would not. The Madagascar deal was a back up plan to give the Jews a country, were it not to be Palestine.

As I recall.

Keep in mind, from where I sit, Hitler lived in an all men's dormitory as an art student, next to a gay bath house in Vienna in 1913... the same year the Zionist Congress met in Vienna. The same year other Zionist assets arrived. Stalin, Tito, Trotsky, Freud, Ferdinand, etc. The plan was always to embroil white people into a war where they would kill each other off.

[–] 5 pts 3y

That's retarded. If that were true why did the kikes declare war on Germany many years before Germany acted.

Those spreading this idea are the real Zionist assets.

[–] 1 pt 3y

why did the kikes declare war on Germany many years before Germany acted?

Because they had just finished with Russia and it was the next logical step. The end of the white race was always the plan. Between the Coefficients Dining Club and the Zionist Congress, the Khazarians had clearly had a plan to conquer the world through subterfuge for many years. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" whether you believe it is real or not, was written in the late 1800's and published in 1903, or so. Long before the attack on Germany, someone was already planning it.

Also, keep in mind, Hitler, like Kissinger, was able to cross enemy lines with miraculous success.

Either way, your way of attacking the premise is actually "retarded."

First, you say the theory is retarded, which is the argument of all retards. "Ad hominem." It just doesn't prove anything and you should know better.

Additionally, you've failed to address the fact that this cast of characters were all in the same place in 1913, all within about a mile of the main gay bath house. You've also not even considered what the whole purpose of the Zionist Congress was in 1913.

I imagine that means you have no idea that those same puppeteers formed the World Jewish Congress, which was controlled by Bronfman, up until his death, leaving the power vacuum that Adelson took advantage of by backing Trump.

It's the same tricks, over and over.

I think it is high time for you to stop worshiping political figures and wake the fuck up.

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[–] 1 pt 3y

It sounds too much of a conspiracy, like flat earth shit.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It sounds too much of a conspiracy, like flat earth shit.

When you learn to conversate like ad adult, get back to us.


Bad jacketing flat earth with reasonable information seems to suggest you're a shill. At first glance, anyways.

[–] 1 pt 3y

It's funny how no one knows Hitler was an asset... He was pretty close to the pope, the Warburgs, Bauers, etc. Want to guess who is niece is? Havaara Agreement Lehi

People in the nunazi movement are being duped like a bunch of retards. The reality is Hitler wanted to just get them the fuck out of Germany. The catch is no one wanted anything to do with the German Jews, Ashkenazi, and many people felt the same way about them. Hitler just wanted them the fuck out and got played like a useful idiot.

[–] 1 pt 3y

oy vey, we cant let people think that uncle adolph got along and work with people of other races..