The spics are sustaining the economy of Mexico with the millions of dollars that they send there from the US...
Correct. #2 or 3 of Mexicos GDP is money sent from the US. For those not familiar with border issues, they don't care about the US. They live anywhere they can. Canyons are good. Every construction site I've ever worked on, the beaners sit together and just trash the space. They the word goes out: No eating in the building, because trash. They do not sit down to shit in the biffys, they hover. So, shit covered porta johns. The lack of English speakers means trade to trade communication is bad... unless one speaks spanish; they refuse to learn english. Oh, watch your tools! Our government could go a long way with TV announcments about jobs, the need to work to MAGA, 《 and israel》great again. He should find a space for Mike Rowe. How do you hide a welfare check from a nigger? Put it under some workboots.