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[–] 3 pts

Im gonna ask this again here, how the fuck do people have a signature if they dont know cursive?

[–] 3 pts

A scribble, an X, a dot, a scratch mark, anything is acceptable for a signature, sadly.

[–] 3 pts

yeah I kinda do that now, with work card I dont even try. you could compare mine and it different every time but most people dont roll like that.

[–] 2 pts

An old job had me managing financing for mostly niggers and beaners. This was when I realized that most niggers can’t read. Even the niggers who had 20 years on the job and good enough credit couldn’t read. They often had someone else helping or filling out the paperwork.

So to answer your question, their signature is just a drawing they were shown and they practiced and memorized it. It’s not words to them. It’s a picture. Like draw a dog. Draw a cow. Draw your signature.

[–] 2 pts

>their signature is just a drawing they were shown and they practiced and memorized it. It’s not words to them. It’s a picture.>>

Never thought about it that way, but makes perfect sense. Perfect sad and disgusting sense, but sense nonetheless.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Mine has become a scribble because of all the digital signature pads even though I know how to read/write cursive.

Edit: What @suplex said.