Why do you suppose the Liberal/communists are trying so hard to disarm the 100 Million man American Militia?
If you can't wipe out everyone in your town twice over, can you even call yourself a Son of Liberty.
The Sons of Liberty are all in nursing homes or dead.
LMAO. First i live in a 'town' of a million. Second Most of My State is part of that 100 Million. 'They' make big noise about disarming Americans in the Liberal/sheep states. When they get to Free America with their BS. they are chasing a very large bear, with a very small stick.
Never see this picture on a t-shirt? We can change that, now, can't we?
Still Catholic?
Notice the farmer is white
This is not true. I get so tired of seeing lies spread by good intentioned people. Spread something like this it is closer to the truth anyways
What Trudeau's daddy did for his country and now his bastard son's trying to kill more than his shit father did to show the son is as corrupt and sick as his psychotic father was.
(post is archived)