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Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done.

Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did.

South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo.


The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done. Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did. South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA71kbJUYAIhTlO?format=jpg&name=small The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

I remember seeing this photo and footage in history class.

They framed it as the Police Chief randomly deciding to summarily execute a captured civilian, who wasn't even confirmed to be VC. That's what they told me.

Didn't know the guy was a fucking assassin for the VC. What he did was not warfare, it's a terror tactic that the VC used to weaken South Vietnamese support. If every South Vietnamese officer is worried about his family, hundreds of miles away, having their throats cut in the dead of night by a VC assassin.... it's bad for morale. Might make them desert, turn their coats, or worse- become agents for the VC in exchange for "protection" of their families.

This shit went on in Afghanistan and Iraq, too. Only we play by the rules. Enemy gets to do whatever the fuck they want- murder their own people, desecrate the bodies of fallen men, murdering captives; but we're "better than that". So we fight them with one hand tied around our balls. And we fucking lose.

My Lai Massacre. This was the result of civilian population being used against the US Army. The Army unit that performed the massacre had spent several months leading up to My Lai being lied to by civilians. They'd get to a village, ask the elder "Are there traps around? VC in ambush?" They inevitably answer "No, nothing's going on here, no siree." So then the Americans haplessly wander into the bush outside of the village, and step on booby traps or get opened up on by snipers. This happened multiple times to this unit, and why they arrived at My Lai and heard even more of this bullshit, they'd had enough of the uncooperative civilians, so they fucking killed most of them and torched the village. This was treated as a war crime, men were court marshaled.

[–] 5 pts

Remember the "Napalm Girl"? Just another lie pedaled by the US media at the time. It was RVN planes that dropped that ordnance.

[–] 6 pts

Yeah, showing us child pornography in 9th grade. I recall being astounded that they would show this to us.

It's propaganda. All of these photos they showed us from 'Nam, from muh holocaust- all propaganda.

They use the first rule of propaganda: make your target audience feel an extreme emotion, then hit them with the bullshit and they will be more receptive to it. For example, begin a lesson by talking about how the US napalmed innocent civilians. Then show the disturbed youngsters a photo of a pre-teen girl, nude, "fleeing from napalm". We instantly accepted the provided context because our minds were shocked by the image.

Same shit with those faked photos of Nazis and the camps. Show us a photo of a group of Russian captives in the throes of typhoid fever, then tell us "Look at these poor jews, they dindu nuffin, Nazis bad yeah?" Students are so shocked by the imagery that they don't pause and think "Wait... not one of these prisoners has jewish features...."

[–] 2 pts

I unknowingly participated in holocaust propaganda once. A play. My character went on and on about how bad typhus was. Even in a propagandized play they admit that everyone was shitting themselves to death in the camps.

[–] 1 pt

Why would they cooperate with the Jew dogs?

I’m order to be saved from lack of butt sex?

Homosexuality is regarded as a disease in Vietnam. It is also ranked as a "social evil" along with prostitution and drug abuse.

Damn ChiComs VietComs