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Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done.

Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did.

South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo.


The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

Context is important. Have the stones to do what needs to be done. Eddie Adams wasn’t trying to make a statement when he took the photo, which went on to win a Pulitzer. In fact, he resented how people interpreted it without knowing the full context. Most Americans had no idea who Nguyen Van Lem was or what he did. South Vietnamese Police Chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan was Lem’s executioner and a friend of the colonel he had murdered. He later immigrated to the U.S. and faced deportation due to being accused of war crimes, but Eddie Adams always vouched for him and apologized for taking the photo. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA71kbJUYAIhTlO?format=jpg&name=small The sole survivor of the family Nguyen Van Lem murdered was Huan Nguyen, who was only nine at the time. He later immigrated to the U.S. and went on to become the highest ranked Vietnamese-American officer in the military when he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Well if you're going to wage an effective defense against an invading Zionist imperialist force youre going to have to go after the families of collaborators. Technically those collaborators are traitors anyways. If this happened in the US this would be the equivalent of executing the family of a zogbot that collaborated with globalists to murder US citizens and their family members that resisted globalism.

Communism or not, a people have a right to self determination. There are no good guys. Just people fighting for different doctrines. You also have to remember that the Zionist US destroyed entire villages indescriminantely. When you are facing those rules of war killing families to save your own is on the table.

Good or not, I would kill the family members of traitors bombing cities from the sky. If they have to broken that way, so be it. Shitty traitor genes anways. Thats how modern war works when you fight an enemy with no honor.