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In a declassified memo dated 28 March 1945, Churchill writes of his concerns regarding the “wanton destruction” and “increasing terror” of the firebombing of Germany. The destruction and terror was not his concern though—he found that to be “impressive”—his concern was that if they continued they would come into possession of a land so completely ruined there would be nothing left in Germany for the Allies to pillage. He goes on to acknowledge the annihilation of Dresden six weeks earlier only so much as its potential for reputational damage. Even at this late stage he thinks that they should continue bombing the shit out of Germany, but instead shift focus to now bomb military installations rather than the "impressive" civilian targets.

> In a declassified memo dated 28 March 1945, Churchill writes of his concerns regarding the “wanton destruction” and “increasing terror” of the firebombing of Germany. The destruction and terror was not his concern though—he found that to be “impressive”—his concern was that if they continued they would come into possession of a land so completely ruined there would be nothing left in Germany for the Allies to pillage. He goes on to acknowledge the annihilation of Dresden six weeks earlier only so much as its potential for reputational damage. Even at this late stage he thinks that they should continue bombing the shit out of Germany, but instead shift focus to now bomb military installations rather than the "impressive" civilian targets.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts (edited )

I begin every single day recalling the video footage shared here on Poal of Dresden just a few years prior to jews destroying it, while simultaneously recalling video footage of the hell jews rained down on our city - I imagine the screams and terror of Aryan women and children as our people were liquefied or turned to ash after first writhing in agony. I then imagine the horrors done to our Aryan women and children after jew invaders moved across our lands with brutality and degeneracy.

Every one of us should remind ourselves of the worst horrors jews have done to our people. Do it - Every.Single.Day.

[–] 0 pt

Every time I start thinking about that video of the 2 naive European girls that went to Morocco and were crying out for their mommy's while being beheaded I have to slap myself out of a spiral.

That shit is what solidified my zeal.