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I read a study years ago when I was in my mid thirties about the numbers of missed cancers and false positives and the likelihood of mammograms causing the cancers they eventually do detect. I have never had a mammogram and won't have one unless I think something is wrong. I do not understand all these damaging tests they want you to get as you age.

Back in 2020, I went to a doctor to get a note saying I could not safely take a flu shot, this was even before my work mandated the covid ones. I left there with never having spoken to the doctor, three scripts for drugs (they never ordered or looked at blood work), the note I wanted, and a bunch of orders for things like a mammogram and colonoscopy. I was told it was all preventative based on my age. They never talked to me about anything just handed me the pile of papers and told me to do as I was told.

I knew it was bad. I work in medical IT and have never trusted 'white coat' medicine. I grew up going to an Indian medicine man. I had no idea that you didn't even speak to the doctors. They just have the lists I see in the EHRs that I work with that tell them what to do and they blindly do it.

The invasive medical tests seem more dangerous than helpful. I have read similar things about prostate stuff and colonoscopies. I've convinced my bf to just smile and nod at our doc and toss the order in the trash. I'm honest with our current doc and he doesn't even bother handing me the orders. He has actually learned to respect me a bit over the years because I can discuss my blood work with him and fix it myself. It's gotten to where I tell him what I want and why and he figures out if he can get my insurance to cover it. He rolls his eyes at my refusal of blood pressure and cholesterol meds but doesn't give me a hard time or 'fire' me as a patient, so I continue to go to him for lab orders and pretty much someone to talk to about studies I find.