There are plenty of reports of collapsed lungs and other shit happening to people who inhale jew oil.
Hmm. Last I knew vapes were supposed to be a nicotene and water solution. Some may be flavored. They should be healthier than cigarettes because they do not contain tars.
I wonder if the reports of colapsed lungs are from people who smoked cigarettes and other shit for years, damaged their lungs, switched to the "healthier" choice of vapes but the damage was alteady done and progressed years later?
I had a childhood friend pass away in July, same age as me from a collapsed lung. He had developed a hole in his lung and air filled the sack around his lung. The docs tried to repair it but were unsuccessful. My friend had spent his working career in the Navy, 10 years in subs and the rest of the time working at port on huge engines deep in the bowels of big ships. He told he had smoked like a chimney all of those years.
I was unaware vaping was causing so many issues. I was under the impression that it was a relatively safe pathway to help end cigarette addiction.
(post is archived)