You mean Mickey D's and 7-11 hotdogs ain't good for ya?!
Realizing the food bill is up, there's one common denominator I've seen here in the states that I only assume is ubiquitous: shopping carts with soda, pop tarts and chips complaining about food prices, yet oranges, apples, burger, and butter are stocked full.
...oranges, apples, burger, and butter are stocked full.
It's almost as if food has become "too easy to reach." Take something from store to microwave or store shelf to mouth is just too easy. Add lazy niggers to the data, and well...
However busy you get, if you're not taking the time to look into grocery sales and prepare your own food, you're only hurting yourself and your family. Garbage in, garbage out, you are what you eat, style.
(post is archived)