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Legend: High linoleic oil name: linoleic acid %

Safflower Oil: 72.31%
Sunflower Oil: 65%
Corn Oil: 59%
Soybean Oil: 50%
Peanut Oil: 32%
Cottonseed Oil: 50%
Pumpkin Seed Oil: 40%
Grapeseed Oil: 70%
Hemp Seed Oil: 55%
Canola Oil: 20%
Legend: High linoleic oil name: linoleic acid % Safflower Oil: 72.31% Sunflower Oil: 65% Corn Oil: 59% Soybean Oil: 50% Peanut Oil: 32% Cottonseed Oil: 50% Pumpkin Seed Oil: 40% Grapeseed Oil: 70% Hemp Seed Oil: 55% Canola Oil: 20%

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 5mo

And let us not forget the glory and primacy of lard. Particularly pastured piggie lard. I rendered 5 pints this weekend.

[–] 0 pt 5mo

Does that mean peanut butter and sunflower seeds contain some of it? Pretty bad if so.

[–] 0 pt 5mo

Is 20-30% high, or just the lowest of the worst?

[–] 1 pt 5mo

All of them are terrible. You want <5%. Tallow, clarified butter, and coconut oil are all good. Plenty of other options.

[–] 1 pt 5mo

I think avocado and palm kernel oil are around 10% so you can get lower. Even lard is 10% ish if I remember right. I don't think there is oil without it.

[–] 0 pt 5mo

Lowest of the worst. That shit will still fuck up your organs.