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[Source](https://www.globalresearch.ca/fda-confesses-zero-scientific-evidence-monkeypox/5865611) [Archive #1](https://archive.ph/ttKze) [Archive #2](https://web.archive.org/web/20240824203651/https://www.globalresearch.ca/fda-confesses-zero-scientific-evidence-monkeypox/5865611)

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 6mo

Confesses? Prob just misleads to get the world to hate faggots less imho. I've seen those rotten ass faggot clapped cheaks on 4chan. White/asian/niggers covered in bumps with rotten cornholes. IDC. I choose to hate faggots and hold em accountable for those gross pics I saw on 4chan lol /s

[–] 3 pts 6mo

Avian Influenza is real. We require you to be afraid.

Why? You're not putting out enough birdseed.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

I'm not putting out birdseed for CIA drones.

Drones can't get sick...

Bird? You ok?

[–] 1 pt 6mo

You're not cooperating. We need you to be afraid of getting the floo.

[–] 1 pt 6mo

I just sneezed. Bird, help!!!

[–] 1 pt 6mo

No way. I guess that they will have to... what's that? Whether or not it exists has no effect on CASES . Thank moloch, they can have a plandemic after all.