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[–] 6 pts 2y

Red meat is mostly the only food I eat and I am healthier than ever. My unhealthiest was from eating plant-based and not enough meat. Meat is food. Everything else is just extra.

[–] 3 pts 2y

I don't only eat red meat, but like your experience mine was the same. I did plant based, no soy, no oil, no sugar, no gluten, low salt for 3 years and I swear I'd never been less healthy and more miserable in my life. I had such a hard time concentrating.

I went on to paleo after that and felt a thousand times better. Now I do something along the lines of keto because of my autoimmune issues and my blood pressure and cholesterol are normal.

The meat is bad for you crap is all just to make people conform to their climate (you will eat the bugs) bullshit so they have more and more control over us.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Deficiency in Folate (deep leafy greens) is the same as the effect of radiation on your body. Eat meat and greens.


[–] 3 pts 2y

Meat is loaded with folate bro. And choline. Another nutrient most people are deficient in now.

[–] 0 pt 2y (edited 2y)

INeverGiveUP is right, eating only red meat without veggies or anything else is almost as much of an heresy as the opposite, such as eating only veggies, or worse, only salad...

It's not for random reasons that for thousands of years humans ate both at the same time, from europe to asia, veggies aren't just for decoration purpose