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[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

I only know what I have felt for years now. Something that all people of genuine faith, "Men of God", have been feeling and warning us about for years now. That they have felt an increase in spiritual attacks on all people who serve the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. Almost like an increase in barometric pressure, a heaviness, like what you can feel in the air in front of an approaching storm, even before you see any clouds in the sky.

The problem is that because of jewish influence in the media and pop culture, for the last 50 years, more people have not "put on the full armor of God" and are left spiritually defenseless. They don't don't know how to recognize the threat anymore and don't even realize they are under attack.

Even so-called "good church-going small-c christians. What I call "churchians". They think that they're ready, but in all to many cases their church has already been converged and subverted, and has become just another vector of enemy attack.