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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

yes but I leave my mobile phone at home all day everyday!

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y
[–] 0 pt 3y

I do not believe anyone would be stupid enough to buy a mobile phone just to treat it as a landline, instead of landline and a tablet.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

you do when landline is not connected. Nor wanted. I can't beleive people have to walk around staring at a tracking device as the world passes them by. 21st century version of a pacifier.

[–] 1 pt 3y

I carry it for the same reason I carry my firearm, emergencies happen, having the ability to call 911 at a moment's notice can save your life.

I also carry it for the same reason I carry my knife, utility; pedometer, find somewhere to eat, in the area of a friend/family I dont have to be a rude fuck and show up unannounced, built in level/ruler, flashlight, notebook for if I need to write anything down, literally 1,000 books, does a company price match i'm saving money as I can prove the price, Something is out of stock I don't need to waste time and money(yes transportation costs gas and therefore money) getting home to find out who does have it just to leave again, work from home is now work from the beach.

My phone is a tool, just like my firearm, and my knife. Also your gripe with them changed this comment over the last from "tacking" to "tracking and staring" something you control as it's your action

if you're really worried about "tracking" there's this button on the side of the phone, if you hold it down for 3 seconds you'll get the option to turn it off.

so samsung knows you went to micro center or the grocery BFD so does your debit company, and any modern car. You can't escape it like you think you can, old man.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Ex-redditor: 21244 posts, 4860 comments. Looks like your "21st century pacifier' takes a different form.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

I do not nor will I ever own a cell phone.

21st century version of a pacifier.

Wellllllll, considering how people act clearly they need pacifiers.