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[–] 1 pt 3y

What's the regular rate for miscarriages?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

The number I normally hear is 10-20%. It might be as high as 40% though, because it takes a few weeks after conception for a woman to realize she’s pregnant.

That being said, the more I think about, I think the design of this study accidentally selected for first trimester miscarriages. I don’t know how far back they were able to pull data from.

[–] 3 pts 3y

I had two in a row back when I was trying.

My fiance at the time refused to stop smoking weed, which grossly mutate your sperm. Early miscarriages are usually due to the sperm quality. The woman can't do anything with it so they clear our their system to try again. If it's early miscarriages men should be VERY concerned about their sperm health. This study should focus on both the female AND males.

Though I also can't read the study since I see it's already been purged. Fantastic.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Like I said in another comment, I think this study had some design problems. They need to do a cohort study, where they follow women who get the jab at different points through their pregnancy through their entire pregnancy.

Instead, they pulled data mostly from women who got it in the third trimester, which by definition, can’t give you any information on miscarriage rates. But at the same time, they pulled data on “completed” pregnancies only, so that over selected first and second trimester jabbed women whose pregnancies ended (in miscarriage) within the study’s timeframe.

It basically tells us nothing about the real miscarriage rate.

And yes, men should be included as well.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Obesity has a correlation to miscarriage and conception. And considering most American women are fat....

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

The main cause of early miscarriage (which is most miscarriages) is genetic abnormalities. But eating like shit destroys your eggs, so...