Yep and you'll get idiot responses from assholes like purge 2020. His brain was purged.
Anyone know anyone that is pregnant right now?? i do not
I did...and now she is not.
That would require us to know a real female and... well, you're at Poal.
i know a poalr bear that claims its a woman, does that count?
There are only men pretending to be women on here and half of those are federal agents pretending to be racists.
Yup, I know 1 who just had a kid and was fully vaccinated, Child was very premature, but not unexpected because the mother has a whole bunch of health issues. I also know 1 more ready to pop and a couple coming up in the next couple of months. As far as I know, all 4 are fully vaccinated.
A woman has to be batshit crazy to get an immunization during pregnancy. Don't they read or research?? It was only one generation ago that OBGYNs were adamant on the no alchohol no drugs rule, and mine said including OTCs.
Good, I don't want to breed with a worthless NPC, newage cunt.
Fuck every red-blooded Ameri-slave who cannot be bothered to question his masters.
I'm concerned that this might get worse with the babies that survive. I'm old enough to remember the horrors of the Thalidomide babies.
Such a terrible thing. We repeat history because we are stupid retards.
What's the regular rate for miscarriages?
The number I normally hear is 10-20%. It might be as high as 40% though, because it takes a few weeks after conception for a woman to realize she’s pregnant.
That being said, the more I think about, I think the design of this study accidentally selected for first trimester miscarriages. I don’t know how far back they were able to pull data from.
I had two in a row back when I was trying.
My fiance at the time refused to stop smoking weed, which grossly mutate your sperm. Early miscarriages are usually due to the sperm quality. The woman can't do anything with it so they clear our their system to try again. If it's early miscarriages men should be VERY concerned about their sperm health. This study should focus on both the female AND males.
Though I also can't read the study since I see it's already been purged. Fantastic.
Like I said in another comment, I think this study had some design problems. They need to do a cohort study, where they follow women who get the jab at different points through their pregnancy through their entire pregnancy.
Instead, they pulled data mostly from women who got it in the third trimester, which by definition, can’t give you any information on miscarriage rates. But at the same time, they pulled data on “completed” pregnancies only, so that over selected first and second trimester jabbed women whose pregnancies ended (in miscarriage) within the study’s timeframe.
It basically tells us nothing about the real miscarriage rate.
And yes, men should be included as well.
Obesity has a correlation to miscarriage and conception. And considering most American women are fat....
ODD---- Update July 1, 2021: This article has been temporarily pulled for further review, so LifeSite can make adjustments and provide additional clarification regarding the data. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we seek to maintain accurate and honest reporting.
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I'll call bullshit on this fake news Supposed to believe that 8 out of every 10 pregnant women who took the jab had a miscarriage. Fake news fitting of CNN
That’s not at all what the data says.
The majority of miscarriages happened to women who got the jab in the first trimester. Above the normal miscarriage rate. By lumping in those numbers with women who got it in the third trimester, where we did not see an elevated stillbirth rate, you dilute the miscarriage rate to 12%.
So yea, something might be going on here, but the article does not claim that 8 out of 10 pregnancies are ending in spontaneous abortion.
Well this website isn't the source of the information, which you'd know if you'd read the first paragraph, even.
Just surprising it's not 10/10, the poison "vaccine" is definitely intended to make women (and men) infertile.
Does not matter. It is bullshit and makes us look idiotic. You might realize that if you thought for yourself.
What did I tell you about running your yapper, littledick? Get your shots.
Full retard response.
>827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) resulted in a pregnancy loss and 712 (86.1%) resulted in a live birth
That is from the actual study I don't know what the author of the article is talking about.
They didn’t break it out by trimester. Something like 700 of those 827 got the jab in the third trimester. So it’s not an accurate measure of the miscarriage rate, which by definition can only happen before 20 weeks.
JeezusChrist. Thank you. Had to scroll down this far to read a comment from somebody who gets it.
82% miscarry if they get the shot within 1st and 2nd trimester. However the published number came when they combined those who miscarried (within 0-20wks) alongside all who haven't even taken the shot yet. I suspect they tried to mask this alarming figure on purpose. Their fallacy (to be kind) resulted in falsely reporting the number to be only 14%. That's a huge mistake and their arrogance shows up in their summary as it is mere insignificant blip of expectant mothers who par-the-course.
It's like crashing your minivan, then parking it next to a brand new car, then saying that the average value of both cars is still high, and proof that crashing cars is no big deal.
The author of the linked article suspects foul play and I agree. This reminds me when global warmers at IPCC were caught adulterating numbers.
I think the main issue is when they pulled the data. It might be in the appendix, I haven’t checked. We haven’t had enough time pass for women who got the jab this year to go through a full pregnancy. So anyone who got it this year, in their first trimester, and has had a “completed” pregnancy, wouldn’t have had time to give birth to a full term baby; the only way that pregnancy could be completed would be through miscarriage.
That being said, the authors of this thing took the numbers they had, crunched them in this incredibly inaccurate way, and claimed a 12% miscarriage rate when they should instead have said that data for first trimester jabs wasn’t sufficient to draw any kind of conclusion. So yes, either they’re idiots or they were trying to come up with the lowest number possible.
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I know, but they took it down for a reason. They made of had false info or something. Who knows.
An accurate statement of the published data, for this line of table 4, would be: "Of the 827 participants, 127 received a vaccination prior to the third trimester. Of these, 104 reported a spontaneous abortion. (82%)."
(post is archived)