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[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

This is the basic form of clickbaiting. Science CAN be trusted, if it's not interpreted by someone with an agenda,or if the scientists themselves are not payed by someone who has an agenda.

Whenever someone makes a small progress with cancer research, you instantly see some bullshit clickbait in the mainstream media "Cancer is over,scientists from whatever research center in whatever town just found the miracle cure we have all been waiting for", then you dig a little deeper, and it's basically a study that shows promise on some mice that were injected with an experimental serum, that is pretty much it.

Even the scientists themselves say that this is a preliminary study on mice, and that having a finalized product if all goes perfectly with study after study after study,after more studies on animals and humans, the product is at least 2 decades away.

These clickbait articles are usually the same,hyperinflated bullshit that usually has nothing to do with actual science.

Edit : Lul @Paralentor,the guy even blocked me :) Projecting much are we? Kind of ironic calling me a soyboy,when that is pretty much EXACTLY how you reacted to what I wrote. But in any case,I wish you the best in life.

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's hilarious to see all the fucking trolls that took advantage of the random name generator. You sound exactly like a fucking soyboy on reddit.