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[–] 0 pt 4y

The faggot-fauci being cock-sucking-height-while-standing might get rough for him in prison.

He doesn't have to worry, an evil piece of shit like him will mostly likely be executed anyway.

Tick-tock, you satantic shrimp.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Nothing has or will ever happen to him or to anyone else who betrayed our nation.

The only people who still think this are the ones who think, literally, that Joe Biden is actually on a movie set and not the real White House. Or that he has been cloned. An adult, fully formed, clone who can talk and have memories. While also telling us “his face is too different“ to be the same guy. Pick one.

The only people who think this are the ones who have been wrong so many times that now they have to simply pretend they never said the things they said.

And then you cut and paste their own words from even two months ago and they banned you from their websites or forums.

They are adults who believe in secret super spy messages from people who, when they have information for you, make you guess and play word games because they are just such great super spy superagent secret agent superspies. That’s what those people do. People who have information make you jump in the air to get it. Yes, that scenario that has been true exactly 0 times in the history of humanity is true this time. Adults think this. Actual grown-ups believe this.