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What I have discovered as a result of researching the virology field the last year is that they have cures fo the flu and the common cold.

Hydroxychloroquine inhibits practically every virus.

Tetracyclines like doxycycline and macrolides like azithromycin are antibiotics that also inhibit viruses.

Use of ivermectin against viruses is relatively novel but it also is a broad spectrum antiviral and antibacterial.

Quinine and egcg also inhibit flu virus and can be bought over the counter.

Vitamins C,D , and zinc work well against most viruses, and with vit Cand D it is safe to use very high doses short term ( 10,000 iu vit /day and 10,000 mg liposomal Vit C /day or more)

High dose vit A improves the fatality rate of measles by >10x . Most deaths from measles are linked to vit A deficiency.

Many feel that D3 is a better form of D than the regular form. It is derived from sheep lanolin. Vitamin D is fat soluble so take it with a small amount of fat for absorbtion. Good natural forms are fatty fish like salmon, tuna, cod, and also sardines. Cod liver oil is another option.