NPR? My fucking sides.
Actually lol'd at NPR
PBS is just as ridiculous. Public funds for liberal propaganda.
Honest propaganda you can trust!
CNN didn't make the top 5?
CNN is so crazy even the nutters don't like it now.
That's like an insufferable lefty I knew once. During the 2016 election, he didn't vote. I go "You didn't vote for Clinton?"
He looks and me and goes she's even too nuts for me.
As long as jews exist, they will scheme to invert reality to keep the world the hell on Earth it currently is.
Google's banned domain list is the real unbiased website list. I need to dig that up again.
Please do and share.
Found it:
That's the Google Now block list as of Oct 2022.
The conservative news sites start with the line "# START: sites with high user block rate: ariane/173353.", but the whole file has lots of interesting sites listed. Many are dead links (it's tough to survive when you're hidden from search), but quite a few are still alive.
Google is pronounced jewgle
(post is archived)