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Hitman 2.1 is supposed to be even worse, but don't tell.

Hitman 2.1 is supposed to be even worse, but don't tell.

(post is archived)

[–] 9 pts 1y

"What did they mean by this?"

Sadly too many normies wouldn't even ask this question and still fewer would be able to answer it correctly.

I gotta say though that's a good little Easter egg.

[–] 1 pt 1y

The new hitman 2 cause I don't remember this in silent assassin? I should really play the newer ones.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Agent 47: "And what's this? Lip balm? Valtrex? Eye glasses? Smoked salmon? A Blackrock travel mug? The complete works of Michele Foucault? Hmmmm... something looks really really obvious that I also can't quite admit to myself."

[–] 1 pt 1y

Nice bout time I hear about a game placing Easter eggs exposing jews now got to awaken more normies so they may hunt ans expose these kikes