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(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt 2y

Oh dear. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry you're such a self-centered bitch. You took a comment that I meant to provide more context to poalers in general and made it all about you. I put it up as a reply to your comment because we were talking about the same thing, not because I thought you were weak brained. Well... Guess you are weak brained.

No, it's not all about you, princess.

[–] -1 pt 2y

I would have called me a midwit, rolls of the tongue nicely

I see you haven't learned to post correctly on pages. So there is a big blue button right under the original post. Click that, have your say.

In general, when you reply to someone, it's all about them. If you didn't want me to think it was related to me, you should have posted separately.

You midwit.