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[–] 0 pt 2y

Hah, Hatred. You ever play the modded version? I think the mod was called something like "Version 6.66" or something, you can download it on Steam.

Adds a few new levels, one of which is a prison. The mission: kill 500 prisoners. Guess the race of the prisoners? Every last one is a nigger.

The final level is a special treat. You have several objectives, including: Save a church from a crowd of antifa faggots protesting, kill the crack dealing niggers, destroy the gay club, hunt down the reddit mod who doxxed the mod maker (in game of course), and a few others.

This mod took Hatred from "Edgy" to "literally molecule thick edged blade". And it's great. Has a first and third person mode, can change out of the trench coat and long hair to look like a normal person, a new weapon or two, and just lots of extra fun. I would seriously recommend reinstalling Hatred just to play this mod if you have not been able to.

It's Not Important, though.