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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

Those default 1993 controls though... before the discovery of WASD+mouse.

It is possible to set it up with modern controls. You've gotta edit the default.cfg and change the first param (mouse sensitivity) value to like 30. Then try not to go into the in-game options menu, since it might crash due to the mouse sensitivity slider bar being way off-scale.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

People have patched that stuff, since then. Play it on DOSBox; you'll have a good-ol' time. Here, check it out: https://msdos-games.com/shooter/doom

*edit: ooooooooooh, I see what you mean. I dunno about mouse+keyboard, like Q3A (again: before any console could even consider touching a made-for-PC FPS, let alone making their own.) but it still runs as well as it ever did. Can you play original PlayStation games on a PS5? You can on Windows 10.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

As a collector of ancient computers, including many DOS machines, I find this suggestion to "DOSBox" anything detestable. I'm offended. Reeeeeeeeee!