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Nitter link to see The Quartering's feed: https://nitter.snopyta.org/TheQuartering/status/1416505691448266760#m

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y

Fight on the ground of your own choosing. Twitter is not desperate ground.

It's pride that gives you the arrogance to ignore sound strategy. Satan will always exploit our sins

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 3y

What if the enemy you need to defeat will not come on your ground? Then what, douchenozzle?

[–] 0 pt 3y

Then you build up healthy intolerant communities and have many White children that are aware of the jew and its lies.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 3y

Imma run and hide!

Pathetic. Have you considered hanging yourself?

[–] -1 pt 3y

Then you win. There are huge numbers of empty websites or sites just for pedos or cvnts. Twitter is just one more.

Listen kid. I get that you are angry. Emotion makes everyone retarded.

Twitters only value is your imagination that Twitter has value

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

No, you don't win by cowering in the corner, you LOSE. Imagine being so fucking retarded that you think you win a war by running away and hiding and letting the enemy do as they please. In other words, imagine being you.