I get what you mean. Life experience is like a blacksmith’s forge and anvil: it’ll burn you and hammer you into shape, leaving you completely changed (for better or worse).
I pray for all the young kids out there that aren’t being given the challenges they need to grow up and be shaped into respectable adults. So many need to learn shit the hard way...
"aren't being given the challenges" nail on head.
is this how you were raised? because being recognized for searching for challenges is how i was raised. my parents didn't play any cut-corners crap. if we even thought the word "bored" growing up, we were given chores. chores on top of the other daily chores.
i had an experience or two like yours at the work place. i actually saved my boss, the company owner, about 60 grand and two weeks on the job site just by doing some math and making a suggestion. this was a federal job.
he looked at me and said dumbfounded, "i don't know how i didn't think of this. how?"
i can only think that this positive behavior is taught or encouraged.
(post is archived)