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[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

It doesn't make things fairer.

Was a thought i had. Thought it might be interesting to consider. Not actually try to make it happen.

Its more about the relative freedom someone has once they are financially secure..

Takes a little more writing to get the whole thought out than I want.. Not just speeding ticket, but everyday choices as a ticket, its a cost. Every mile you drive, $0.55 ticket. Not something the state did, that's a natural cost you can't escape (unless nigger, then you just steal it), gas, wear n tear, depreciating value, just something the state calculated, and decided to give you some credit for if you are set up for it, and tell them about all those miles...

Maybe not freedom for the richer people, but more choices or options available. Leads down an exponential path. Where more and better choices are available.