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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

VIII was hot garbage, IX was fantastic. I think the art style killed the latter, but its gameplay was more true to the series, and less broken.

My first was either the original or VI; not sure. VI is still one of the best.

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Early-game VIII was fantastic. The setup with the Seed academy was brilliant. I think the game faltered because of (a) not making me care about most of the other characters and (b) featuring an uncompelling villain after you'd just come off of Sephiroth in the previous installment. The fuck were they thinking?

VII was also the first for me, and it was a gamechanger back then. VI - X were some of the best. After that things took a downhill slide. Enter the world of the MMO, right. Then again, I was getting to an age where I'd started to lose interest in games anyway.

Now that I'm a bit older, I still get urges to go back and play the older titles. Most of the time I just think I'll save it for when I'm retired, or something - keep my old self occupied exploring all that nostalgia.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Don't bother with nostalgia. Leave it in the past where it belongs. The thing that both of us seem to forget is at the time, we were so engrossed in those games, without the modern internet, that we had written down tons of gameplay tips and observations. I used to keep a journal with me to play F7 and F8, because I was having trouble keeping track of all the places and fights where I would have to either draw a summon from a boss, or use a particular one for an easier management. Passion really makes you overlook the obvious frustrations. I tried playing some of those games recently - I still have my old consoles and collections. It's just not the same. The more I look at it, the only thing that I realize is different is myself. Also, in F8, there was that frustrating section where you're on that tiny gyrocopter fighting hand to hand with that guard until you push him off while the school is fighting behind you, and the irony was that I only won when I didn't block at all and just kept punching him nonstop.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Yeah, I could see this being the case. That's the thing about nostalgia that makes it so unique, is it wasn't just the set of material circumstances that occurred at the time. It was literally the time passing in that moment that you long for, which can't be reclaimed. You could assemble all of the same circumstances, but what made those games special was being there at that precise time in your life.

It goes this way with so many other things. I think a lot of us had that experience shortly after high school or into our college years perhaps, where we tried to recreate a moment or a scene with some of the same people we'd been close with in the past, only to find ourselves thinking: "Yeah, it's all changed, hasn't it."

Overall, I think it would help if it didn't feel like most of our cultural and technological outlets for these kinds of experiences were being turned against us. If there'd been a stream of authentic artful things to follow us as we've aged, it would be one thing. But for a decade or so, it feels like everything has been on a slide into utter shit. Hence, nostalgia.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Final Fantasy 7 was great, for sure. Final Fantasy 8 was okay, in my opinion. There was a lot of sections where that game lagged in the pace of the plot, and the ending twist of all the characters being members of the same orphanage felt pretty underwhelming. I was willing to forgive all of that because F8 let me go out into space and dive towards Rinoa in a space suit and then fight a whole bunch of pairs of creepy aliens (the Propagators) while trapped on a spaceship hurtling out of control. At the time, this was a concept that not many dared to explore - it led me to a lot of games that I loved with all my heart later in life. Dead Space and many others. The name of the Purple / pink colored ship was the Ragnarok - I kind of realize how cool that is now, and I'm shocked that I even remember that. The other thing that I remember was the conversation with the command center where he tells you that the ship has been missing for 20+ years.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Oh don't get me wrong, the setting of VIII was awesome. It was the junction system and AI level scaling that ruined it for me.