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[–] 0 pt 4y

F7 I get, it's a game that defined a genre and a generation. You're a trooper. I try to play those games now, and the frustration builds up more than the enjoyment.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I get the frustration (dat chocobo breeding) but for me it's essentially nostalgia cooming. FF7 hit right around the time I was 13 or 14 or so. Just as I was entering my informative years.

And it was probably the last big game I played before the internet got big. At that time I think it was still the AOL dail up days, so when you discovered something new in the game it was a genuine discovery you made and not just a tip you read on some website while taking a shit.

The materia system is still the best, most intuitive and flexible power/magic system in any rpg. So many things you can do if you have the right slots on your gear.

Also Tifa's giant milkers made my PP feel funny

[–] 0 pt 4y

I was also barely a teenager around that time. I remember thinking that finally having a TV in my room was groundbreaking because I didn't have to share console time with my older annoying sister. We did have separate consoles, but we didn't have separate memory cards, so we were both still forced to play games at separate intervals until I finally got my own. Naturally, the fight that led to this happening was when my sister pissed me off so much I deleted her save game by overwriting it with my own. She later discovered that I was doing much better at it than she was, and I that wasn't much further, so she just picked up where I left off. Ah, the problems from the old days . . .