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[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Final Fantasy 7 was great, for sure. Final Fantasy 8 was okay, in my opinion. There was a lot of sections where that game lagged in the pace of the plot, and the ending twist of all the characters being members of the same orphanage felt pretty underwhelming. I was willing to forgive all of that because F8 let me go out into space and dive towards Rinoa in a space suit and then fight a whole bunch of pairs of creepy aliens (the Propagators) while trapped on a spaceship hurtling out of control. At the time, this was a concept that not many dared to explore - it led me to a lot of games that I loved with all my heart later in life. Dead Space and many others. The name of the Purple / pink colored ship was the Ragnarok - I kind of realize how cool that is now, and I'm shocked that I even remember that. The other thing that I remember was the conversation with the command center where he tells you that the ship has been missing for 20+ years.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Oh don't get me wrong, the setting of VIII was awesome. It was the junction system and AI level scaling that ruined it for me.