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Oh how unhealthy it is that a man would want a woman who shares his values and has a similar psyche.

Yes, it is unhealthy for men to want a woman who acts like a man, has a physique like a man's, and thinks like a man. The last one is the real kicker because women do not think like men, they cannot think like men, and men who are deluded into believing otherwise get themselves burned.

Girls who like to do bro schiff, work out, practice MMA,

Yeah, that's faggot tier. Women lifting weights is something no man can even respond to without either sounding condescending or like a cuck, and it boosts her testosterone levels, which is not good...then you get to the point where she starts injecting herself with male hormones to get gains and, well, then Schlomo smiles for he has turned yet another woman into a mutant shemale.

What is the point of women practicing MMA? Has the talmudvision gotten men to fantasize about ground grappling foreplay sessions? I know they've been trying to get us to that point for years, I remember the faggotry going on in Lethal Weapon 3 wherein they got our guy Mel Gibson to claim that a Jewess beating up 5 men in a fight was somehow the most attractive thing ever. Unsurprisingly, it was also some of the worst fight choreography ever.