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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

India is India. Indians are not White, and they do not use White systems of arranged marriage. Your descriptions of Indian arranged marriage in your post and in your reply to @ReformingBoomerare likely accurate, but they don't describe White tradition. I may only use two words because more than two words will challenge attention spans, but Europe has its own history with arranged marriage. Even after (or sometimes before) the fathers decide that an arrangement if favorable, there is courtship. In this courtship, the man will prove his mettle, per the conditions of her family. That might be an act of heroism or a demonstration of values, but it is White tradition nevertheless.

Bringing Indian concepts like Sati into a discussion on White tradition is largely irrelevant if you aren't actively contrasting the unique systems.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Doesn't matter which system it's, you should be able to make decisions of your own life, because then you are be careful of the decisions you make since it's about your life. Don't let someone else to decide your life, and how it goes. The problem is modern system largely babysits women, and forces the man to take responsibility of the actions of women too, let's say a woman married to a guy, and then later divorced because she didn't like him? then he might have to pay child support, alimony because of her poor decision.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

(((Enlightenment))) individualism is a huge part of how Whites lost the majority of our heritage and tradition. Multigenerational households and arranged marriage are not optional if you want to pass down your stigmas, traditions, and culture. Whites have used these multigenerational households for millennia, but the subversive nuclear family didn't even last a year before falling apart into single-mother hell. This is what happens when you let female consumerism guide the family unit with all its "individualism". The hypergamy destroys the society. Thankfully, history repeats itself, and the collapse is always followed by a reset. Control hypergamy with arranged marriage, or society is on a 200 year timer.