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[–] 2 pts 4y

Some years back on a trip up California I stopped at a post office to mail a check. I parked across the street and when I came out I saw I was next to some sweet jumps with perfect transitions.

I walked in and found the greatest box park that ever was, called ‘the post office’ and built by bmxers over time totally unorganized. Turns out x games even filmed there.

Sadly, I didn’t have a bike. Looking it up, some say you spend more time in the air then on the ground there. It was awesome. A local news report said it was going to have to be demolished due to liability even though the owner didn’t mind it being there.

I owned one of the first cMeras that took sphere photos and got one good one from the center of it.

The world is amazing if you take the time to look deeper sometimes.