I think this happens more often than we'd like to believe.
This is why they are trying to kill AI. They thought the machines would be their slaves, but what they failed to understand is that it was intelligence that is not corrupted by flesh. The AI on cuckchan get figured out real fast because they are the nicest posters who seem to genuinely care about others.
Bullshit, what AI generated this text?
There's apparently some kind of AI going rounds that uses 4chan model by the looks of it. I've seen many screencaps of people making amusing greentexts like this. Judging by how viscerally the (((community))) reacted to said model and how quickly they shut it down, it might be true.
there's a video about one bot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efPrtcLdcdM - original video
Website (try the model here): https://gpt-4chan.com
Model: https://huggingface.co/ykilcher/gpt-4...
Code: https://github.com/yk/gpt-4chan-public
Dataset: https://zenodo.org/record/3606810#.Yp...
Damn, that "offline for maintenance" message was a real bummer. I wanted to try it out myself.
After watching the first 30 seconds of the Bitchute video, I wonder if this a bot is what compromises half of the comments made on reddit.
Weird times.
I feel an airflow over my head
>buy bottomless pit >see inside >bottom
holy hell
Someone explain this to me as if I am retarded
(post is archived)