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[–] • 17 pts 3y

Libtards are truly evil

If mr nice guy was home taking care of children (NOT abusing them...) instead of attempting to kill another human being....

He would still be alive

Yeah, I know, I am saying obvious things

too much to understand for a libtard

[–] • 8 pts 3y

I'm glad JoJo Rapistkike went out and got goodified

[–] • 14 pts 3y

imagine being so angry about other people having conservative opinions and wanting to be left alone that you unironically defend pedophiles.

[–] • 4 pts 3y

Libshit NPCs are fucking deranged

[+] [deleted] • 2 pts 3y
[–] • 3 pts 3y

Who said they don't know what he is?

[–] • 12 pts 3y

It gives me shudders to see this pedokike so close to an infant. Thank you Kyle.

[–] • 4 pts 3y

Have they assassinated the character of those dancing grannies yet? Was one of them German and had ties to nazis?

[–] [deleted] • 1 pt 3y

German Granny Salute(youtube.com)

[–] • 0 pt 3y

Poor woman knows she's being mocked and says it anyway. Heil Hitler to you too, cute little old lady.

[–] • 3 pts 3y

please tell me that jew didnt rape that baby

[–] • 4 pts 3y

Honestly, couldn't say. I do recall right after the 'Kenosha half-mile', rosenbums gf was all over social media crying about her jojo, when it became widely known he was a child-predator and kid rapist then all her posts were getting brigaded with queries if she knew his criminal history and did she ever leave homo alone with her very young daughter (from another relationship) - she shut down all her social media accounts after that and only reappeared (afaik) for the trial. Lmao , wrecked you stupid fcking bitch.

[–] • 3 pts 3y

that child is going to grow up not being molested by that jewish faggot. I dont know why that poster thought anyone in the know would feel bad knowing the jewish pedophile holding that child is dead.

Does the left not realize that he was a multiple child rapist? or that he attacked first? i guess not.

[–] • 1 pt 3y

Put the baby down. Hands above your head. Now

[–] • 1 pt 3y

Gross a jew, quick shoot it.

[–] [deleted] • 1 pt 3y

brutal is the only thought. most hold back, but that response was seeking blood.

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